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Turkish Delight Manufacturer in Turkey

Anatolian history coming up with an old culture and the pearl of the Turkish Sweet Art DELIGHT, known as Turkish Delight in the world. From the moment the continuous appreciation of diversity presented to the winner once Turkish Delight are referred to by the name of craftsmen producing it. Therefore, we have named our products as Mesut Mercan Turkish Delight.

We have manufactured Turkish Delight (Lokum) since 1960 in Kayseri. Firstly, our products were sold in historical and tourist places of Istanbul. Our products are manufactured in clean and hygienic environment. In our production we are using completely natural and vegetable products . Our first principle is quality. BRC Standards are applied in our factory as well. Our goal is to present best quality of our products to our customers. We export our turkish delight to 21 countries including the UK (ENGLAND), Canada, Australia, the USA (America), South Africa, France, Japon etc.

We would manufacture our Turkish Delights with your private label turkish delight.This private label will be your own trade mark in your country.



Our Factory in Kayseri city in Turkey

turkish delight factory in Kayseri









Our Quality Standards






For more information about turkish delight, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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Export Department

Address: Çakmak mah. Bahariye sok. .N0: 36/3  Ümraniye- İstanbul / Turkey


Phone: +90 (212) 503 66 00 pbx
Cell Phone: +90 (541) 311 21 21

WHATSAPP1 :+90.531 375 71 41 (Mr.Ali)
WHATSAPP2:  +90. 541 311 21 21(Mr.Yusuf)

Factory address:
 Mimar sinan  Organize san. Böl.  Kastim cad. No:10/ A  MELİKGAZİ - KAYRSERİ- TURKEY






Turkish Delight Manufacturer in Istanbul (Turkey) © • All rights reserved.


This Turkish Delight recipe is a traditional version of the classic Middle Eastern sweet. The resulting candy is delicately chewy and scented with rosewater. Rosewater can be found at Middle Eastern markets and at some well-stocked supermarkets. There is really no substitute for this distinctive flavor, but if you cannot find it you can use another flavored extract like lemon, mint, or any number of floral flavors. Ingredients: •4 cups granulated sugar •4.5 cups water, divided use •2 tsp lemon juice •1.25 cups cornstarch •1 tsp cream of tartar •1.5 tbsp rosewater •2-3 drops red food coloring •1 cup powdered sugar Preparation: 1. Prepare a 9x9 pan by lining it with aluminum foil and spraying the foil with nonstick cooking spray. Set aside for now. 2. Place the sugar, lemon juice, and 1.5 cups of the water in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Stir until the sugar dissolves, and bring the mixture to a boil. Brush down the sides of the pan with a wet pastry brush to prevent sugar crystals from forming, and insert a candy thermometer. 3. Allow the sugar mixture to continue boiling, without stirring, until it reaches 240 degrees on the candy thermometer. 4. When the sugar syrup is around 225 degrees, begin to get the rest of the candy ingredients prepared. Place the remaining 3 cups of water in another, slightly larger, saucepan. Add the cornstarch and cream of tartar and whisk until the starch dissolves and there are no lumps. Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring or whisking constantly. The mixture will become thick and pasty. 5. Once the sugar syrup is at 240 degrees, remove it from the heat. Slowly, carefully, pour it into the cornstarch mixture, whisking until it is fully incorporated. 6. Reduce the heat to low and simmer, whisking it every 8-10 minutes, for about an hour, until the candy has turned a light golden-yellow color and is very thick and gluey. 7. After an hour, remove from the heat and stir in the food coloring and the rosewater. Pour the candy into the prepared pan and allow it to set, uncovered, overnight. 8. The next day, remove the candy from the pan using the foil as handles. Dust your work station with the powdered sugar, and flip the candy onto the powdered sugar. Remove the foil from the back and dust the top with the sugar. Use an oiled chef’s knife to cut the Turkish Delight into small squares. Dust each side of the square with powdered sugar to prevent stickiness. 9. Turkish Delight is best soon after it is made. It doesn’t keep very well, but if you want to try keeping it, store it in an airtight container with waxed paper between the layers, and dust the sides with powdered sugar again before serving. Making Turkish Delight Introduction: Briefly, turkish delight is a combination : polymerized cornstarch and carmelized sugar. Producing either one of those is pretty easy, by itself, but to make turkish delight you’re producing them together, so that they are mixed into a silky, sweet, moist but chewy goo. I’d love to find a materials scientist who can tell me more about what’s going on in this mixture, because it’s clearly some interesting stuff. But if you’re not into material science, you can just eat it. When you caramelize sugar, you melt it in water and then drive the water out by heating it so that the sugar undergoes all kinds of crazy chemical changes that result in formation of unsaturated polymers. With the corn starch, you’re melting it in water and heating it so that the molecule chains unravel and form a mesh that captures water molecules. To make turkish delight you partially caramelize/polymerize sugar then mix the wet corn starch matrix in, and boil it down until you drive enough moisture out that the whole mass locks together. The tricky parts of the process are mostly in keeping it from getting lumpy, keeping it from turning into a solid block of goo, keeping it from liquifying into a mass of runny syrup, or making a trip to the emergency room because you burned yourself with gooey syrup. Sugar syrup and corn starch polymer both hold heat pretty well – if you get this stuff on your hand it will stick and sit there while it transfers 200-degree heat to your skin. Avoid that. Things you will need: An assistant helps a great deal: Ingredients: 4 cups sugar 4 ½ cups water Juice of one fresh lemon or lime 1 cup cornstarch 1 teaspoon cream of tartar up to 2 tablespoons flavoring (more on this later) Tools: 2 saucepans wooden spoon measuring cups measuring spoons heat resistant spatula 9x9" silicone baking pan(s) candy thermometer (don’t even try to make this recipe without one!) Making this recipe will consume between 1 and 1 ½ hours. This is all the stuff laid out ready to go. The first time I make anything, I always lay everything out so I don’t have to fumble around as I try to find it. Greasing the Pans Don’t try to make this without silicone baking pans. I have personally thrown away 4 batches of turkish delight that stuck to my pans; it’s like gooey epoxy. The only thing I have found it won’t stick to is lightly oiled silicone baking pans. It’ll even stick to dry silicone! It’ll stick to wax paper! It’ll stick to parchment paper! I use square baking pans that are 9"x9" . Wipe them with a very very light coat of vegetable oil. All you’re trying to do is fill the microscopic pores in the silicone, you hardly need any oil at all. But you sure do need a bit. Put the pans on the stove out of the way but in reach. When you’re ready to pour your goop out it’ll be hot and you won’t want to carry it around the kitchen. Make sure the pans are on a flat surface or you’ll get uneven-shaped turkish delight. In this example we are going to make a 2-flavored batch. Normally, I make just one flavor and it’s a lot easier. But it’s nice to have lemon/clove and rose/pomegranate or something like that – different flavors make your end product more interesting. Pans on stove with silicone pans and little bowls with flavoring mixes. Since we are making a 2-flavor batch, I have one flavoring mix near each of the silicone pans, to keep things organized. Flavorings: Either: 1 tablespoon rose water 1 tablespoon pomegranate juice (mostly for coloring), can use grenadine Or: 1 tablespoon lemon extract 1 tablespoon clove-water tea (take a dozen cloves and boil them in ½ cup of water until there is 1 tablespoon of liquid left. Drain. Use.) Or: 1 tablespoon mango extract 1 tablespoon lavender tea (take some lavendar blossoms and boil them in ½ cup of water until there is 1 tablespoon of liquid left) Obviously, you can have fun with your flavorings. I’ve found that more than 2 tablespoons of water is a bad idea – you’re mixing it into the caramel/goo at the end and if you add too much water it’ll separate out and you’ll have sticky goo instead of turkish delight. If you’re making a 2-flavor batch, halve the quantities of flavorings that you’ll put in each half-batch. I don’t think that oil-based flavorings work as well as sugary/extract/watery ones. I’ve used pure clove oil and it tended to promote clumps. Instead I prefer to make flavored tea(s) by just boiling herbs or spices in the microwave in a small bowl and draining off the results. You can buy flavoring extracts on – make sure you get food flavor not massage oil. There are lots of products that contain "rose petal" and you want the food flavoring not the skin cream. Trust me. Sugary Syrup: Juice the lemon, then mix the lemon, the 4 cups of sugar, and 1 ½ cups of water in a saucepan. Turn on the heat and put the candy thermometer in. Stir it occasionally as it comes to a boil. Keep stirring and watch the temperature; when it reaches 230F (soft ball) you’ll be ready to go to the next step. (Syrup in pan coming to heat while cornstarch mixture sits) While the sugar is boiling on its way to 230 degrees F, put the 1 cup of cornstarch and 3 cups of water in the other saucepan. Add the cream of tartar. Stir it gently. Initially, when mixed, the cornstarch will clump up into a weird goo. Be gentle when you stir it; cornstarch in water is a non-newtonian fluid and resists being stirred proportionally to how hard you stir it. It’ll take a bit of gentle work but you can turn the cornstarch/water mixture into an evenly-mixed milky liquid. There should be no clumps in it. Caramel and Cornstarch This is the trickiest part of the whole process. Once the sugar hits 230 degrees F, turn it off, and turn your attention to the corn starch/water mix. Turn on medium heat and stir it constantly while you bring it up to a simmer. When the cornstarch starts to boil it will very quickly convert into a thick paste. You need to catch it right before it does that; pay attention to nothing else and stir the cornstarch while it heats. As soon as you feel it starting to get a bit sticky/thick on the bottom of the pan, lift up your spatula or spoon and if there’s goopy-looking gluey stuff on the bottom, you’re just about ready to take it off the heat. I usually turn the heat off and stir a bit more and suddenly it’ll begin to thicken into a creamy glue. Do not let it overdevelop – as soon as it turns creamy, pour it into the sugar syrup and stir it in. If it turns into hard rubbery stuff your best bet is to dump it and make another batch of cornstarch really quickly. (Creamy-looking cornstarch; the stuff keeps thickening as you scoop it out of the pan) The cornstarch/syrup mix will initially be a bit white but as you blend them it should turn clear. Put the heat on and start to bring it back to a boil. Stir constantly and squish any blobs of cornstarch to get them completely mixed with the sugar syrup. If the cornstarch is too tough to mix in, you let it go too far and your turkish delight will be granular and have hard plastic-tasting bits in it. (mixing the syrup and cornstarch over heat) Boiling Down the Turkish Delight Once the cornstarch/syrup mix have started to boil, keep stirring them. You’ll need to use a spatula periodically to keep it from collecting and hardening on the edge of the pan. (Stir periodically) After a while the syrup/goo will start to clear and get gooeyer. If you stir it vigorously, it may separate from the edge of the pan. You’re going to stir the goo for about 40 minutes more or less, and the goo will begin to get slightly yellowish and thicker. You can test how thick it’s getting by taking the spoon out and letting it cool a bit – it should solidify and get gooey. (Testing!!) (turning yellow) Finishing If you’re making a single-flavor batch, simply turn off the heat, stir in the flavor ingredient thoroughly, and pour it in the silicone pan. You’re done! If you’re making a two-flavor batch, take another saucepan (or the cornstarch pan, rinsed) and put it on medium heat so the pan will get warm. If you pour the hot goop into a cold pan it’ll congeal! Pour half of the mix into the pre-warmed pan, then add the flavoring and stir thoroughly. Pour off into the pans. (mixing the pomegranate flavor in ½ of the goop) Let the goo cool overnight. Do not cover. If you’re a perfectionist (like I am!) you can dust the top of the pan-fuls of goo with powder mix while it’s still damp – that way it’ll stick. See the next step... Cutting and Powdering To finish the turkish delight the next day, you’re going to cut it up and put it in powdered sugar and cornstarch. Take cornstarch (about 1 cup) and confectioner’s powdered sugar (about 1 cup) and mix them together in a container. You’re going to use this powder to keep the turkish delight from sticking to itself, the floor, your clothes, etc. Make a flat surface of powder on a cutting board, then pull the goop out of the silicone tray and put it down on the powder. Flip it over as necessary and get both sides covered so they aren’t sticky. Get a flat-bladed knife like a cleaver or the insanely expensive sushi knife shown above, and powder its edges, then quickly press it through the turkish delight to cut it into strips. Cut fast with a pressure downward; don’t try to draw-cut or it’ll curl and stick to itself. Put the cut strips into the powder container so that the exposed fresh edges get powdered. Then line them up on the cutting board again and cross-cut them. A small strainer is a good way to distribute powder without rubbing it; simply put some in the strainer and shake it gently over the turkish delight. Then you’re done! Storage and Packaging Do not ever put turkish delight in an airtight container. It’ll release moisture and get sticky. My favorite way of storing it is in a little paper bag that I can shake periodically. You can box it as long as you don’t use an airtight box. This little box of turkish delight was filled with several layers, separated with sheets of parchment paper and powder. It was then wrapped and sealed with wax pressed with the butt end of a live .50 BMG SLAP round. Don’t put live rounds into 400 degree wax!I survived but you might not! the ENGLAND UK, Australia, , France, Japon USA Amerika, South Africaetc.